Character Counts in October…..

October is the Anti-Bully and Anti-Drug Red Ribbon month.  Which really all falls under the Character category.   When we build kids with strong character and an understanding of right and wrong we are ensuring their future success.

How do Assembly programs help?

The Assembly format is really just a way to springboard the information into their mind and to supercharge the emotion and energy that helps it to stick.   Laughter and FUN have been proven to bypass the critical faculty of the mind and implant the lesson directly into mind.  Years later… I have students and parents walk up to me in public places and tell me how MUCH they enjoyed my Bully-Free Game show or my Just Say No Magic Show.  The Character Message Stays with them.  It really does.

Once the students have experienced the information imparted from the assembly, the teachers will be able to touch on the lessons all through the following weeks and months.  Discuss the lessons, or just point out little things that will help remind and reinforce.  Even other students will point out daily lessons.  Because really, all children love to be helpers on their own terms.

I have been doing Anti-Drug Magic Shows and the Bully FREE Game show assembly in schools for almost 20 years.  It is not unusual for parents and families to walk up to me while I am in the grocery store or doing a show at a birthday party and recount how I came to THEIR school for a show.  Maybe it was last year.  Maybe it was 15 years ago.  Its great to know I have a lasting impression on students.  It seems that I am now doing shows for the children of children I did shows for.

So this Month, do your school a solid.  Bring in a Character building Assembly.  Reinforce the lessons.  Make your school a better, more productive and positive environment.

Here are some links for  YOUR school:

7 Tips for Building Character in Schools and Students

What is Character Education?


Safety shows